Shocking News: Rolex Becomes Official Timekeeper – Luxury Knockoff Replica Watches for Sale, Best Fake Watches for Men

Citizen is off the clock at the U.S. Open Tennis Championships after a quarter-century tenure as official timekeeper, and Rolex – the iconic Swiss watch company – is going to take over. Citizen still had three years left on its original contract but cited business changes as being the reason for their departure. Citizen CEO, Jeffrey Cohen, also said that although they are sad to no longer be a part of the U.S. Open, they will be using this time to be focusing their collaborative efforts with Disney and Marvel Studios.
It is not clear at this time why the change happened so fast, but the choice to go with the replica Rolex is not altogether unsurprising. The fake Rolex has long been associated with Tennis and has supported the sport at the highest level for over 40 years. However, the surprising thing is the brand perception of the respective companies.
Rolex replica has long been associated with understated elegance and history; the U.S. Open, in contrast, is bolder and overstated. “There is no question…our energy is derived from New York,” said the representatives of the U.S. Open, alluding to their outspoken style. “Having said that, I admit that there are so many common themes.” Both brands pride themselves on precision, excellence, and have a significant interest in the wealthy audiences each brand focuses on. 
Open to the ever-growing list of premier sporting events Rolex sponsors, the Swiss watch company further cements its place in the tennis community. Recently, the fake Rolex also sponsors the Australian Open, Wimbledon, the Davis Cup, and tennis legend Roger Federer. In addition to signing on with the U.S. Open, the replica Rolex also against the Western & Southern Opens, giving it a monopoly on all nine of the top ATP events.